Broadcom Brocade в России

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Все модели Brocade G720 G620, X7 Director X6 Director

UFM Cyber-AI Platform for NVIDIA® InfiniBand Switches, Support Real-Time Monitoring, Fabric Visibility and Control, Cyber Intelligence and Analytics

UFM Cyber-AI Platform for NVIDIA® InfiniBand Switches, Support Real-Time Monitoring, Fabric Visibility and Control, Cyber Intelligence and Analytics

The NVIDIA® Mellanox® UFM® platforms revolutionize data center networking management. By combining enhanced and real-time network telemetry with AI-powered cyber intelligence and analytics, the UFM platforms empower you to discover operation anomalies and predict network failures for preventive maintenance. The UFM platforms comprise UFM Telemetry, UFM Enterprise and UFM Cyber-AI to suit your data center’s needs and requirements. The enhanced UFM Cyber-AI platform includes all of the UFM Telemetry and UFM Enterprise services. The unique advantages of the Cyber-AI platform are based on capturing rich telemetry information over time and utilizing deep learning algorithms. The platform learns the data center's heartbeat, operation mode, conditions, usage, and workload network signatures. It builds an enhanced database of telemetry information and discovers correlations between events. It detects performance degradations, usage and profile changes over time, and provides alerts of abnormal system and application behavior, and potential system failures. It can also perform corrective actions.

UFM Cyber-AI Platform for NVIDIA® InfiniBand Switches, Support Real-Time Monitoring, Fabric Visibility and Control, Cyber Intelligence and Analytics

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